wrong words seem to rhyme

indent Something still didn’t feel quite right, but the curiosity of the youth was fighting against his instincts. Maybe if he just took a little peak… "You sure nothing in there’s gonna hurt me? It look’s pretty scary." He said it, trying to muster some courage so that it wouldn’t sound as if he was suggesting he was frightened. After all, Icarus wanted to try to keep up a courageous front (even if he had let it slip a little).

indent He took a few steps closer, feeling a chill along his spine which made him turn and look back towards Andre. "Well okay, let’s check it out. But if you see anything, let me know, an’ we can get outta here." The chocolate colored wolf took a few more hesitant steps up towards the ajar door, peering into the darkness as if searching for a long lost friend. He could hardly see a thing, but he took a deep breath, and took the first adventurous steps through the front door.


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