the room's on fire, she's fixing her hair

        Oh, what had he done? Stupid, stupid, stupid! He hadn't thought he would be so weak, to get all excited so quickly and easily. They hadn't even been touching or anything when that had happened! Was he really that shallow? Haven didn't like to think so, but the physical evidence was hard to argue with. If he had just been able to make it go away this wouldn't have happened. But now here they were, she knew what was going on and all he could do to try and make it better was to throw silly excuses at her. At least they sounded silly to him. No matter what his brain seemed to think, his body was enjoying all this and it just made him feel sick. He felt like a pig, like scum, like every horrible stereotype there was about men. He hadn't ever thought he was like any of that, he had thought he was above it all. He respected women and never wanted any girl to think that he only wanted that from her. Here was though, for every though being angry at himself there was another about how much he wanted to do that with Princess again; about how good she felt sitting there on his lap.

        Wait...what? It wasn't until that moment that he realized that she was still sitting there. She hadn't jumped away from him, hadn't acted disgusted. Then she giggled. Giggled? So she wasn't upset with him? She wasn't offended? Haven looked at her dumbstruck. " were? Really?" He had thought it had only been him who couldn't get their first night together out of his head. Haven coughed a little, trying to reel in the crazed thoughts that were flying everywhere in his head. "Well you, uh, you certainly pulled that off." He couldn't help but laugh a little. It was a little funny, he supposed. When her hand touched his he wrapped his fingers around it and brought it to his mouth, placing a soft kiss on it. "I am sorry though, I really didn't mean for things to take a turn this way. I don't want you to think that's all I want." It wasn't, it wasn't at all. He wanted so much more than just the physicality. "You don't...have to stay there if you don't want to..." Though the base, animalistic part of his brain was hoping that she would.


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