Everything I Touch

OOC: Going to end this rather awkwardly… Leland threads have been taking too long!

Leland shook his head no at the offer of ointments. Treatment. He did not want it. Did not want to heal his paws. Did not want to head his mind. Did not want to heal a damn thing about himself. It wasn’t worth the time or effort of anyone else, he was past repair. Even if his body could be repaired, Leland wasn’t the same guy underneath. They could dress him in all the bandages they wanted but certain changes couldn’t be undone. Sometimes what was broken just couldn’t be fixed and that was that. Leland’s gaze slowly dulled again, as he prepared to continue with the hum-drum talk of this and that, but Dawali’s words surprised him and Leland looked up then, meeting his old friend’s gaze as a peer for the first time this meeting.

“M-mother…?” The words were barely a whisper, Leland wasn’t even sure if Dawali had heard him. In a moment the surprise left him, and the empty gaze over took his face once more. Of course Catherine had taken another, he had been unable to consummate anything with her, more in love with Asha than Catherine. Asha too had probably moved on. They didn’t matter anymore. Lyla did. Only Lyla, and the night they had spent together, and the night he had stole away from her. Leland was not proud of himself, and Dawali, all at once, was not either. The warmth and concern left him and a stern, cold creature that Leland had never witnessed appeared. And questions Leland did not have answers to arose. Dumbly he stood there, going so far as to wring his hands for lack of words, and then very swiftly, more swiftly than one could think a man in his state could move, he ran. Ran and ran. Ran like he did that night. Like the devil was on his heels. Ran until he couldn’t run any further and he was miles from Dawali and he collapsed in a heap, unable to rise, unwilling to rise.


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