Strawberry Fields

She was sure that they would be able to visit his family soon...after all, nothing was really keeping them here. Phoenix was going to be fine, or, he seemed like he was getting better. They could take a little while to visit his family. Dierdre's own family lived here in Bleeding Souls...and she could visit Deuce whenever she felt like it. She did have a father that was out there somewhere, Thanos, but she didn't expect to get to see him ever again...and she had never really met him to begin with.

Dierdre was ready for whatever happened after they ate--or...she thought she was. She'd never been intimate with someone that she actually liked, so it would be like a brand new experience for her. She obeyed Pilot, taking his lead when he began to eat. The fish was good, very good, in fact...but she was distracted. There was something else that looked even more delicious than the fish-the wolf that sat just out of reach. "It's really good" She commented, continuing to eat.


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