Who wears the eyepatch around here?
http://i950.photobucket.com/albums/ad34 ... bott0m.png); background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-bottom:240px; background-position:bottom center; background-color:#252237">
Massive assignment, my apologies again for the wait.

Jantus grinned slightly at the Russian's mention of his sword. The idea of giving a name to a weapon was a new one to him, he hadn't been exposed to the sorts of stories where epic heroes had special weaponry; metal tools were only temporary implements of war, until they warped or their edges wore down. He liked his club, but he had no attachment to it beyond its practicality: he would readily replace it if were damaged. Nonetheless, the idea of personifying a weapon was intriguing if he didn't dismiss it out of hand.

"Ilya, huh?" He said it under his breath...not quite loud enough to disrupt the conversation. "Nah." he spoke up. "The most water I've ever crossed is to get from the mainland to this place; Pine is over some of the water, but from what I've heard, it's not the whole expanse. How far across is it? Might give it a jaunt someday if it ent too far away." He said this easily...he didn't dislike travel, and he'd thought he might want to do it again before he died. After all, as leader of the Pine, he didn't get many opportunities like this one to go abroad. Once he was old and relieved of his duty, he wouldn't mind going to all sorts of places. Maybe even Russia if it was close enough.

"I've traveled a fair bit, but it was always over land. As for boats...eh, I never like having to use them. I feel like waters' just waiting to swallow me. My sisters are fine in a swim, but I'm heavier than both of 'em together. Don't like trusting the water to hold me up." He didn't like boats overmuch, though he knew they could be deceptively buoyant, which did reassure him somewhat. At the end of the day, he'd risk a boat-ride over days and days of unnecessary travel...as long as he didn't have to swim it himself.


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