http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee19 ... onor_t.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
I'll start to wrap it up in my next reply.

        Lavender eyes glanced at the coyote’s face, but made sure that he did not stare because that would be rude. The next question that sounded then in his mind was why. Why was the man wearing the white cloth anyway? Conor could think of no advantage it could offer. This also went for the smell. Masking the man’s scent it did, but the scent of the perfume would leave traces just like any scent and if this man had any enemies then they would surely just track down the fake scent just as easily? Conor already felt more bothersome than he felt comfortable with, but he could not stop once he had started. ”But won’t people track down your perfume scent instead?” The man said that it was good for what he did. What did he do? Conor’s focus went to a mental image of a comic he had found in his dad’s cellar at one point, a human in tricot and a mask. Was this some sort of hero? That could not be real because there were no such things as superpowers and stuff like that. This man was simply odd, but Conor decided that he liked him nevertheless. They were far from alike, the two of them, but the boy sensed the air of justice and good in the masked coyote, and that immediately turned him into a friend.


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