we are bled of color.
He was intrigued by this creature, boredom fading as interest piqued. There was suggestion in his voice and manner, and Samael could only wonder if his words were empty or honestly held intent behind them. He was easily entertained by blood and murder, and a claw dragged across the tip of his tongue as he imagined the hybrid’s blood flowing forth, drenching that pretty golden coat in red. He’d seated himself beside Samael, a smile still on his lips as he spoke. The corner of his muzzle wrinkled as he listened, resting his head against his hand once again as he regarded the other.

”Perhaps you’d like to show me?” he said in his quiet tone, small smile gracing the edges of his lips. He knew what he wanted, but it amused him to wonder if the hybrid would give it to him. All devils knew lust just as angels were meant to be holy and chaste. But there was no holiness in a child that wanted to fuck his own mother.

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