I won't let go, because i know...

PP, let me know if it bad... Big Grin

His thoughts, for once, held no remnants of the conflict the day before. He did not think about Jac, and did not worry. It was easy for the male to get lost inside the dilemma, to want to correct all the wrongs in her life. But everything felt right, for once in his life. Gold eyes watched her face, and he laughed breathlessly at her words. He could not challenge them, but silently agree. It was something he had never experienced, true, pure and still more raw then anything he had ever known. She leaned into him, and Heath wrapped an arm around the collie woman. She spoke, words and feelings he returned in the same soft whisper. “I love you, too.” Like no one else.

She rested against him, and he felt the dull resonance of her pulse against his chest. The world slowly filtered back to his senses, and so did the weight of his current situation. Her form lay still against him, her breath slow and settled after the loss their kiss had caused and Heath let himself get lost in her embrace and scent. He did not wish to move her suddenly, the brace around her ankle a constant reminder of the injury she had sustained. Instead he told her softly, “Lay back.” Slowly, gently the male leaned forward as the woman fell to the soft bedding.

His eyes met hers, similarly half closed with fatigue. The tire he felt was caused by the fight, his flight, the lack of sleep, and the stress and worry that surrounded the pair. Since the meeting in the stables, and the ride along the beach Heath had not rested as his body hoped to now. Content that she was safe, satisfied that she knew how he felt and that no one would tear them apart this night Heath wished only to sleep beside her.



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