the room's on fire, she's fixing her hair

        When he thought about it he didn't know why he had thought such things wouldn't be on her mind as well. Judging from her foggily remembered reactions that night and how she hadn't hated him afterwords he guessed that she had enjoyed it as much as he had. It wasn't like there was a rule that guys were the only ones who enjoyed such copulations. Plus, it told him something about her. Once more it confirmed how mature she was and that she was her own person. She wasn't dependent on him as it had sometimes seemed to be with Siobhan. Haven wanted to feel wanted and needed of course, but he had his life and she had her's. He liked thinking that she was perfectly fine without him when they couldn't spend time together. It wouldn't be any fun to be constantly worried about it. Crimson Dreams was safe though, and no matter what the feelings were between himself and her brother, it was clear that Ares wouldn't let anything happen to her.

        Haven smiled back at her, once again struck by her beauty. He also wished that the ill feelings that ran between all of the siblings could be remedied. He trusted Mati to keep her word and give Princess a chance. It might take her longer than he would like, but he hoped that sooner or later she would be able to look past the drama that had happened and see that Princess was a nice girl and not some sort of seductress (if anyone had played that role that night it would have been him). The Knight also wanted to prove to Ares that he wasn't trying to use his sister in any way. The only way he could think how to prove that though was by doing the best he could by Princess, and he would do that without hesitation. Haven wasn't a complete stranger to the feelings that were growing inside his heart for the Chance girl. He wanted to make her happy and to treat her right.

        Still, the boy was surprised when Princess stated that she wanted to stay where she was. A part of him was excited and elated, but another part was confused. Had she understood him correctly? He hadn't been asking if she wanted to stay in the house but if she had wanted to get off his lap considering his current condition. "O-of course..." Now what should he do? She was still there, sitting on him. He knew what he wanted to do, but did she? Being sober as he was, he was much more hesitant and worried about things. He decided to test the waters though. His free hand went to rest lightly on her lower back and his neck craned forward to kiss her lips. It was a soft kiss, to see if she even wanted the contact.


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