web of sin
Firefly had believed that it wouldn't be as simple as she'd hoped but now those thoughts were confirmed as the suspicious male spoke. She knew better than to tease and play about with her words but the rage she felt for the actions the man had committed against her far outweighted her ability to resist gloating. She silently cursed herself before she leaned closer to the male, one brow arched as she asked. "You're not a man then? Pity I grow so bored with playing with boys.." she called, wondering if the male was just playing his own games or if insult to his manhood really had little effect on him. She'd learn sooner or later whatever the answer was. Now she just had to concentrate on being the victor this time around and not the prey.

Watching him drink of the liquor again she had to refrain from screaming at the beast for his sly little moves. She really had been far gone from these sort of games to even think that she could slide right back into the swing of things. She bit her lip as he leaned forward and spoke, the shiver that ran down her spine almost making her nausiuas. To think that her body still responded to the harsh caress of the bastard's touch even when she knew what he was and what he had done to her in the past. Sometimes she really did hate her own body.

She knew that she was playing a dangerous game, the most dangerous game she'd played since but she didn't care what happened in the end as long as she claimed her justice. She so hoped that the bastard's formal clan didn't come for vengeance when they realized just who had been behind her plans if she succeeded. Only time would tell.

Pulling back from the male she removed herself from the emotions that fought inside her mind and body for control as she herself fought for control over the situation before her. She ran one hand along his collarbone and down his chest as she chuckled softly. "I do believe treats like this have to be earned..." If he really didn't care for his manhood then he would have no problem begging for what he wanted this day, or atleast giving a little to get what he needed.

Firefly slid off of her chair and with her nails dug lightly into the wooden arm of his own seat she leaned closer to his body, her breath warm and steamy against his throat as she seemed to stop to ponder just what she was going to do next. "What would you give me.." she asked as her free hand grazed over his thigh, lingering alongside his sheath, her nails tracing fine lines along the tips of his fur, tempting, teasing.. daring.

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