I'm Walking In The Sun;
http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x242 ... cket-2.png); background-color:#0f3c3a; background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; text-align:justify;">

OOC: <3 I'm a loser so I have the time around the 'puter during the night.

Bright red. He could practically see it. His own body now resorted to defense. He could see the feo's fangs, ready to sink into his flesh. He let the submission wipe clean off his features, and instead, he went completely defensive. The stick lifted itself off the ground, and he took it into his other hand, and held it across him. His tail wagging gently behind him. The last time he had a game like this, it was with those Luperci whom infected him. He remembered that game. It ended up with him on the ground, passing out. But it still was fun to him. Plus it turned him into something that he never even dreamed of. He turned into a completely new him. Taller, stronger, smarter, and thumbs and hands weren't too shabby. The thought of the nicest place in this land called Souls actually being the first place he was actually attacked at passed his mind. If he ever ran into Xeris again. He couldn't help but smile at the thought. Then you must be downright stupid! Trespassing on lands where pups run and play. His tail wagged faster as she finally charged at him. Her head was aimed low, and he noticed it right away. Her words were spiteful.

She jumped at the last moment at his leg, and what happened at that moment was not a surprise to Daisuke. For he knew that he would not move. He wanted her to get that first taste of him. He let her bite down on his shin, the male lifted his leg, the one she was attached to, and reached out to grab the top of her maw. Enjoy that, because that's the only taste you're getting, m'lady. he was still polite, though a smile still held on his face. He knew pain, and that it hurt, but he was always taught that it was just all a big game.

Daisuke can speak very well. His thinking needs to be worked on though. I rock and I roll, Let's get this party out of control.


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