you can bang your drums (we will play along)
If Dante would simply allow him to get away, we could end the thread just like that! This is more than enough to make Snake a little more anxious about wolves. ^^

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He remained quiescent for a moment more, his olive eyes following every move that the other Luperci made. As he stepped towards him, Snake’s urge of fight or flight finally overwhelmed the paralysis that had settled in. He could hear in the back of his mind a voice yowling at him, berating him for this. If he had ever been confronted by someone and had this reaction in New Haven—well—let’s just say that he wouldn’t be here at the moment. Galvanized by this, he took a few steps backward as well. He tracked the aluminum bat as it swayed in the air, watching the light catch it. He knew that he wasn’t unarmed either, for he had his mother’s knife in its clasp behind his back, but somehow he thought that someone with a baseball bat could club him far before he got the chance to use it. Turning and running would be an idiotic idea, he thought—he didn’t know the intentions of this wolf. He didn’t know for sure that he just wanted to be left alone. He might be waiting for Snake to turn and run, just to take advantage of his turned back. And yet the Inferni Hastati had no intention of sticking around any longer, so he continued to edge back, his olive gaze never once straying from the threatening wolf.

table credit goes to jacoby

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