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[/html]Hello! :]

Though Beppe had been around these lands for many weeks now, he still felt isolated in his knowledge of the territories. There were a few select places that he knew well, and a few little hideouts that he liked to hang around by himself and just take in his surroundings, but overall his mental map was scrappy at best. Today, inspired by the crisp air and the thin, sharp rays of light that had woken him that morning, as well as the need to keep his mind busy, he had decided to do a little exploring. His last journey to the human city had been quite short lived, and a little embarassing, but today he would visit it anyways.

This time he didn't follow the same path, and ended up somewhere that was, in many ways, completely different. Unlike the red lanterns and the divine silence of China Town, the place he had ended up gave him a distinct feeling of chaos, entropy. The vinyl siding on some of the houses looked sad, abused, and the brick on others was crumbling. The nervousness that China Town had given Beppe was so much different than the nervousness this place gave him.

The boy would stick to the promise he made to himself, though; he always did. Besides, he couldn't ignore the curiosity that wrapped around his very bones. It practically held him together. He walked carefully through the streets, letting his eyes roam over the tired facade of the human houses. As he followed his path, the houses seemed to become less decrepid, and also larger, with less simple designs. Seeing movement in one of them through the window, Beppe slowed down a little before climbing up the porch. Letting his hand rest on the doorframe, he leaned in, not stepping over the threshold, and peered around.[html]

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