I Bring No Real [J]oy to You; [m]

mall-caps;">In Character

    The silvery hybrid started at the sound of the yowl at the borders, immediately cursing at herself afterward. She was deep in Inferni's goddamn territory, no need to jump at a knock on the door. Grumbling to herself, the hybrid hesitated a moment, hardly in the mood to deal with anything relative to anyone else at the moment. Screw them all, she thought miserably in her head, her coal-dipped ears folding back against her head as guilt kicked in.

    She'd been moping about the past month, staying in her cave and drinking the days away—except now all the bloody rum was gone. Somehow, though, being sober and able to feel was working better than numbing it out each night with a hefty dose of alcohol. The silvery coyote felt better than she had all month when she'd been drowning her sorrows out, and that made her not want to drink again. Regression was a dangerous thing.

    Anger now brewed faintly in her chest for what had been done to her, and that was far healthier than the sadness that had existed before. The hybrid still didn't know it was not her fault—she still considered herself solely to blame for what had happened to her. If only a feminist had come along to knock Kaena about the head with some sense, she could have seen it otherwise. The coyote woman only knew she had been in a dangerous area, alone, at night—just asking for it.

    She felt guilt for doing nothing of worth in Inferni as of late, and with that she resolved toward the source of the howl. It was not too far north from where she was, and though the hybrid woman felt like shit, she didn't quite look it so much. Her gait was slower than normal, and a sour look still stuck to her scarred face, but her fur was not so rumpled now. Her ribs still stuck out just a little, some of the gauntness returning to the hybrid woman's frame. She had dropped two or three pounds, poor eating habits thanks to drinking all the time (and some of the time not being able to keep food down because of that anyway).

    A strange-looking creature waited for her at the borders; he was clearly part coyote, but it was the other part that Kaena could not identify. Dog? Maybe. She was hardly an expert there; it was only her numerous half-breed children (and their children) of various percentage which had granted her with such an eagle's eye for pegging coyote blood. "You rang?" she asked flatly, directing her single yellow-gold eye to the man's tawny face, studying his small frame. Despite it, he looked downright dangerous. Delicious, thought the hybrid, not at all sarcastically.


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