Old stomping grounds

Just for the record, I didn't expect her to know that he couldn't outrun her, I apologize if I came off that way =P

Skoll smiled at her words; they were kind, they were polite, and he appreciated them. She hadn't known him long enough to know his personality, to know if he was a noble individual or not, but he still appreciated her comment. He regretted that she seemed so anxious around him. He had no idea of her history, that the very fact that he was male was causing the intimidation factor, but was familiar with the awkwardness of his exterior to others. There wasn't anything he could do in his mind, though, he couldn't change how he looked. Still, he wasn't offended. He had seen similar reactions many times before.

"Well, I guess we should be grateful for this lucky accident, then. Welcome to my home of two years, miss Anderung." So many had come and gone, he wondered if this young lady would choose to stay with them, or blow on out as quickly as she'd come. He liked her well enough, and it was always a shame to lose a pack member. He remembered losing Cross, and more tragically losing Fly who had been consumed battling his own demons. Adreon had died in Storm also, his concern for the pack making him forget about himself during the drought.

Now that he thought about it, Storm had known a lot of death. Fly and his daughter Ember, Rain, Adreon, Ariadne, Stormy and Rashmi(who he had heard about from VoidFane but never met himself), and others besides, he imagined. Skoll himself had killed numerous enemies on the border, enough so that he'd been forced to dig graves in Ames de le Morte to house them all. There were probably more humane ways of dealing with some of them, he had thought many times before, Had I only learned Gronnor's wisdom in addition to his techniques.

~The lyrics are from the best song ever written.

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