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Her fingers ran over the long rolls of fabric, feeling for the best, the softest. There was yards and yards of string....or was it called "yarn"? She wished that she knew how to knit. Then she might be able to make something herself. Some of the yarn was really funny looking, with fuzzies all over each individual strand. It was the yarn that was the softest out of everything there. Maybe she could go to the library and find a book on knitting. Everything else that she might need for that kind of a project she could find here.

There was some craft paint in the back, big heavy buckets of it. She planned on taking the paint outside and splashing the front of the building with it, to mark it so that she could easily find the place again. She'd dump most of the paint out in front of the building, then take the remainder of it and splash it all over the street sign down at the end of the block. Another marker that she'd be able to see from a long ways away-a marker that wouldn't fade away in time, like a scent-mark might.

She struggled to lift one of the buckets. She didn't have a lot of strength left, not after the long trip here. She threw up most of what she ate, and everything else she ate just didn't taste the same any more. It didn't taste good. So she hadn't really been getting a good range of nutrients. Dierdre hadn't expected that it would have this kind of an effect on her, make her feel so weak and useless.

She shivered a little, despite the big, warm coat that she wore. It scared her a little, that she couldn't do things that she used to be able to do. Was this how it was going to be for the next month or so?

The woof made her start; she had thought she was alone. She could see someone through the dusty window, a familiar brown shape. She went to help him with the door, holding it open until he came inside. "Hi. Did you come out exploring today like I did? We tend to meet a lot in the city" Only twice now, but still. Usually she didn't see anyone else in the city when she went.

She couldn't exactly hide her condition; she was getting larger and larger every day. But, for some reason, she hadn't told Phoenix about it either. She just...hadn't seen him around. But at the same time, she hadn't gone and looked for him, either. "How are the kids doing today?"


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