Is there an answer?

WC 400+

Sorry for the lousy post. I was in a bit of a hurry (is replying instead of doing homework)

The silence that followed her explanation made Ruri's ears droop slightly. She certainly understood that Haven would be distressed over such an occurrence. After all, he and Heath were friends, and it was likely that he, like Ruri, had not expected Jac to act in such a way. Haven then apologized for what happened, and revealed that he had assured Heath that everything was going to be fine. Ruri could only shake her head and smile as she replied,"You don't have anything to apologize for, Haven. You were being a good friend to Heath, and I'm really thankful for that." Haven's pep-talk to Heath had probably given him the courage to tell Ruri that he loved her and Ruri was very grateful for that indeed. Even if what had happened afterwards hadn't been ideal, Haven had done a good thing for Heath.

When Haven advised Ruri about what she should do about Jac, the ivory and merle collie listened intently. Everything Haven said made sense, in fact Ruri had been thinking something along the same lines. However, she had not thought to act upon her ideas. When the idea came from Haven, it sounded much more doable. "I think you're right, Haven. I already told Heath that same thing, and I think that's why he doesn't want to fight with Jac over me. Now I just need to tell Jac so that he can stop behaving like he is. Plus, I think if I explain it to him, he won't feel like he's losing me to someone else." Haven offered to talk to Jac before her and she only shook her head,"I'm not so sure that would be such a good idea. As much as Jac trusts you, I think that he might consider you to be interfering in something that doesn't concern you and he might get defensive. He wouldn't mean to, it's just the way he is. He's already convinced himself that he did the right thing, you see? On the other hand, if I talk to him and explain to him what you talked about a second ago, Jac will be a bit more likely to listen. Don't ask me why, it's just the way he is." she explained, smiling in mild amusement. This plan could work. She would be able to explain to her best friend, and king that Heath didn't want to take advantage of her and that her loving him did not change whether or not she loved Jac. The delicate collie girl couldn't help but grin in anticipation. The next time Jac came by to check on her, she'd be ready. She would be able to explain to him exactly how it should be.


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