the room's on fire, she's fixing her hair
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I love them. =D 500+ words.

######Love was something she had only felt for her brother and perversely for her mother before. The older woman certainly did not deserve her love, but Princess could never deny its existence. The love she felt for her brother, however, was completely separate from the way she felt she was supposed to love someone else, though she had never experienced that firsthand. It certainly would have made it easier to know what it was she felt for Haven if she had already experienced it, but she supposed that was related to the fact that, if she had already experienced it and knew about it, then she would not have been sitting on Haven. Infatuation was a word she could use to describe what she felt for him, but she could not help but wonder if there was something more than that. She felt like there was, but she did not have the experience to give it a name. Princess wanted to know what it was that she was feeling, and perhaps someday she would know for sure. For now, she felt happy just to be with him.

######His actual meaning had been lost on her, but if it had been clarified, her answer would have still remained the same. It had been embarassing for him to be caught in that situation, but Princess did not want to move from his lap, whether or not he was dealing with obvious physical reactions. Girls were, in that effect, lucky, she knew and was glad for. While yes, she did have a smell that indicated it, she did not have such a. . . Large physical attribute that came of it. It only served to remind her further of their first night together, and it made her question whether that was going to happen again. She was more nervous by the idea now, when she had all of her capability to think, but she was not opposed to the idea. If it happened, she would surely enjoy it. But she did not know if she actually wanted it to happen again so soon, and if that was the case, whether she actually felt that way or if it was simply because she knew that her brother did not approve of their budding relationship in any way, shape, or form.

######She was glad to not be alone in the nervousness she was feeling about being with him in his house, with him naked and her barely covered, her hair still dripping from the rain it had soaked up during the ride to his house. In response to his touch, she moved closer to him in his lap, her free hand brushing his side gently as she stroked his fur, returning the tentative kiss. Princess kept it as light as he had started with, almost afraid that he might not want it, after all. She knew she wanted him, and the reverse was obviously true, but the fact that they were sober now seemed to make that much of a difference. While she had not been the first night, she was very nervous now that she might do something he did not like, or that he would decide after all that she was not what he was looking for.

Table by Rust!


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