I Bring No Real [J]oy to You; [m]
http://sleepyglow.net/rp/kae/epidemic.gif); background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:fixed; padding-top:226px; padding-left:25px; padding-right:25px; padding-bottom:10px;">
Big Grin

    There was a steeled, almost forced grin on the Lykoi's face at his words, though it certainly was partially at his choice of phrase, it was more toward the sentiment of the statement as a whole. "Others proably don't have quite so much exposure to the crazies," she said as gently as she could, tapping her own head with one silvery finger. The silvery coyote woman had a refreshing, month-long course in just how batty she could really be—the hybrid could hardly remember some of those nights, and not all of it was thanks to the alcohol.

    The strange hybrid repeated her clan's name, and she nodded. He had sort of an odd accent, one Kaena certainly could not place. She was not a worldly canine; she had never sailed the ocean or seen any of the other side of the world, though she knew it existed, thanks to Ahren. His next question was a bit of a surprise, and she shook her head. "No. My son, Gabriel, is our leader. I am his second," the coyote explained. True, theirs was a strange setup, but it worked better for everyone this way. Gabriel was younger, he had more longevity... and with the past month, the hybrid woman certainly would not have appreciated the added pressure of Aquila-ship.

    Kaena nodded, arcing her eyebrow. That was an odd turn of phrase, but the hybrid woman couldn't complain—winter was coming on, and the coyote clan needed to pad its ranks. They had lost some of the more recent newcomers, as Kaena had expected; many of the coyotes the clan had acquired over the years simply were not used to clan life, and they required a more solitary sort of existence. "We are. There are several wolf packs located here, but we are the only coyote clan. What can you do?" the coyote said, politely trying not to acknowledge his explosions as best she could. She had determined they were not directed at her, but merely a product of a broken or short-circuited mind, which she was all too familiar with.


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