love is a loyalty sworn, not a burden
Um, so, there's some pp in here. Let me know if you don't like it or if ya want anything changed, k? 300+

Relief seemed to wash over him as soon as she slipped into his arms and wrapped her own round him. The desperate way in which she clung to him made him suddenly aware of just how long he had been gone, and how it had been even longer since the pair of siblings could find comfort in the arms of one another. He hugged her tighter in response, burying his face in her curly mane as he tried to steady the swirl of emotions stirred up within him. As he became aware of her tears, something within his chest seemed to tighten, making it harder to breathe. He had made her cry again. He hoped that these tears were different from the last ones he had caused her to shed. "Sono spiacente... L'ho mancata," he whispered, afraid to speak any louder lest he wake the sleeping family nearby or betray the tears that threatened to form in his own eyes.

He finally managed to bring himself to pull away, though not fully. He was too afraid to put any distance between them after how far they had been separated. The major offered his sister a weak smile, barely discernible in the night's darkness. All he wanted to do was simply sit and enjoy the presence of his sibling, tossing idle chit-chat back and forth. Just like they used to do. Though after their bout of separation, their chatter would be filled with more substantial topics. "Venire con me. Lasciamo non sveglia la sua famiglia." Ehno slowly pulled himself further from their embrace and reached to clasp her hand in his, still reluctant to break their contact. The chocolate-hued male slipped back out into the hallway with Savina in tow, following the familiar path to his own room. He wanted to selfishly steal her away for one night. He wouldn't be able to calmly sit alone within the manor until he knew that everything, and everyone, was fine.

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