
Aye, short posts may be quicker, but one really long post can also get stuff done fast XD


Ruri smiled when Jac took her hand, enjoying the feeling of his calloused palm against her smooth, white-furred fingers. He sat down next to her and she smiled, noting that he didn't ruffle her ears in greeting, as was his usual habit. Of course, that was probably because she was holding his only hand, but of course Ruri also knew that it meant that Jac had something serious to talk about. It wasn't like him to forget something like that. When he asked how her ankle was, the slate and ivory female nodded her head while she spoke, "It's doing better. It still hurts to try and walk with it, but I've been trying to test it more and more. I hate not being able to walk around. It gets very boring," she giggled a bit, trying to make light of her predicament. Ruri could tell that Jac seemed to be skirting around the real point he wanted to make. The air surrounding them seemed charged by Jac's unease and apprehension. That was alright, she could make the first move. "Jac...I have something I need to tell you, and I'm sure you have something to tell me. I could tell when you knocked on the door instead of just coming in. You know my door is always unlocked," she smiled to assure him that what she was going to tell him was alright. She knew that, like her, Jac didn't want to lose his closest companion. That was why he had reacted in such an extreme manner. He thought Heath was taking her away for good. With that in mind, her soprano voice took on a more serious tone, though her face still wore a warm, sincere smile. "Jac...I want to talk to you, about the three of us; you, me, and Heath," she paused for a moment to let her words sink in before she continued, "Jac, I love you...very, very much. You know that. It won't ever change. You're a part of my life that I couldn't bear to lose. You raised me, even though my own family thought I was too much trouble to do so. You are my closest, dearest friend, and the only family I have. Nothing, I repeat, nothing will ever change that," she reached up and gently touched her hand to Jac's cheek in an attempt to further emphasize her words with the contact. "What I want you to understand, is that I love Heath too, but it's different from the way I love you. Not entirely different, but just enough to make it different. He doesn't want to do anything to hurt me, just like you never want to do anything to hurt me. I want you to know, that just because I want to be with Heath, doesn't mean that I won't be you're closest friend, or that I won't be your most loyal follower. Those things won't change. What would change is that I would live with Heath, and you could come visit me there instead of here. I'm not so naive to think that Heath and I are just going to hold hands all the time, but that doesn't mean that he's going to take advantage of me either. I know a bit more about what men and women do when they really love each other," she blushed. Admitting this part was going to be a little difficult, "When I was a bit younger, when we were still down south, I accidentally heard you with a woman. I was coming to ask you a question and...Well, let's just say I didn't need my eye-sight to understand what was going on. I was a bit creeped out at first, but let's face it I was a lot younger back then. I'm not saying that I know everything now that I've grown up. I certainly don't and I'm glad that you've protected me from those things over the course of my life...and...Well...I can't think of anything else to tell you, except that I want you to understand that you don't need to worry. It makes me sad when you're upset Jac. I don't want you to be upset anymore" she finished, her head cocked to the side as her pale blue eyes stared towards her friend. She had just said a whole lot of stuff, so she didn't expect Jac to grasp it all at once. However, she had been so eager to explain the situation to Jac that the words had all flooded from her mouth at their first chance of escape. She had tried very hard to speak in a way that Jac could not misinterpret. She didn't want to argue with him, because that might make him even more upset and worried.


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