I don't know, but it's never been so clear.
http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x242 ... hdance.png); background-color:#000000; background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; text-align:justify;">
OOC: You know why this took so long xP This should be after he broke his staff and got ambushed in Inferni by Mason and Hybrid. It would be later in the same day, I have to be vague about the wounds because that thread isn't finished.

Daisuke looked around. He knew the scent. It loomed from the damn lands. He was slightly more paranoid about walking anywhere close around Inferni, only because he had run into two coyotes whom were not so...friendly about Daisuke wandering around the lands. The male traced the scratches that he had cleaned. The larger of the two had gotten him good a few times, mostly on his legs and arms. A few happened to be on his actual body as well. He was happy that they had not gotten any of his piercings or his tattoo. It was a relief really. But now the wounded, male trudged along. He still had half of his staff, but it was dramatically smaller than him now. He now clutched the skull that was on the top, and used it as a walking stick that way. His eyes looked around slightly. He was looking for something to tell him exactly where he was. He knew he was still around Inferni because of the smell. It was thick in the air. His nares were becoming slightly tired of the scent, and it was becoming frustrating because he kept on getting turned around, ans somehow he'd end up at those pikes again. Luckily the male had found a few herbs on the way to the river to clean himself from the blood that he had on his body, so he was quick to smash those up, and then apply them to his body accordingly. (and he was still trying to get to the river now)

The male limped around a bit, looking for anything that might look like a way out of this damned forest. His golden body still stained with blood, since he had not been able to find the damn river yet. His wounds had clotted as much as they could at the moment, thanks to the many herbs he had placed on them. So now his pelt was a mix between golden, crimson, and green. He looked like shit at the moment, and if he wasn't lost, then he would have been able to find his way to the river. If his nose had not only smelt Inferni and blood, then he wouldn't be so damn lost. His eyes finally fell upon a feo, sitting under a tree with a rat in her lap. He didn't bother to even notice that she looked atleast part coyote. All he saw was the wolf in her. He approached regardless, staying a good five feet away, but obviously looking to talk to her.Excuse me, M'lady! You wouldn't happen to know where the river is, would you? I need to get there really soon. he spoke, nodding his head as he asked for her help.

The Name's Daisuke Ghanjai/Urahazu. You are? Only a genius works in coexistence with their mind and now I dance away, singing a tune that only I can hear.


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