people just liked it better that way
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"You forget I was born before you." Oh, was that how it happened? Razekiel had been gone for far too long, it seemed. It was strange, though -- he could remember calling a few friendly folks back in Juniper Peace "little brother," but none of them had been even scarcely related to him. Had he even been speaking legitimately with Gabriel? He thought they were about the same age. What about Samael?--no, wait, he was the same litter. Razekiel was the middle child, right? Maybe he had called Gabriel little because he was a middle child as well. Was he? But either way, Gabriel was the pack leader, so that would make him think that he was older, or...

He looked around. Where am I? Oh, right. Gabriel.

"Is that right?" The prince burst out laughing, scratched his head, and gave the Aquila another overly hearty squeeze before releasing him."My fault, man. I guess I've been gone a couple days too long." Man, he was stiff. Were leaders supposed to be so uptight? Had Razekiel been less drugged, he might have been mildly intimidated. "I spent a thousand moons running Mother Earth with a bunch of breathers, man. The Fuzz got busy, so I split that schwag. Things were complicated, man."

He straightened a little, smiling genuinely at his older brother. "Heard you been runnin' the establishment in my mother's stead for a long time now."


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