if the moment ever comes
http://i197.photobucket.com/albums/aa22 ... stable.png); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
sorry for being a bit late D:

Xeris was a little surprised at the male's response, both because he had been to Crimson Dreams and because he was from a place across the sea. Xeris had learned a little about Japan from Pendzez and bits and pieces of information about other places from the various wolves she'd met, but had never heard of this place called Italy. But she wouldn't press the subject for now. "I see, " she replied simply. "So you're very much not from around here!" The white wolfess smiled a little. It was always good to meet someone with a sense of humor. "Well, it's very nice to meet you, Ehno."

Ehno commented on the cabin that Xeris was to move into. She assumed that he had lived in such a place before. It would be a new and different experience for her, though. If her father were to see her now, living in a human-built structure, he would be so very angry. "Yes, I'm hoping that it will be a good enough shelter for the upcoming winter. I don't know about winters here, but where I come from they're terribly cold." Changing the subject rather quickly from her childhood home, she decided to ask Ehno about his pack--perhaps he knew Flayra, Pendzez's sister? "So what brings you here from Crimson Dreams?"

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