I know, I know, I know
http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x242 ... hdance.png); background-color:#000000; background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; text-align:justify;">
OOC: <33

I was born this way. I know how it feels to be attacked by a gang...but mine was a big ol' gang of hungry rats. Chewed me up pretty good. Hayyy though. I got a question. Where'd you get those metal things in your lips from? The male's tail wagged gently as she talked. Not only was she nice to look at, but he voice was silky smooth too. He liked it a lot. Rats! If I was there, I would've protected you! he started off, flexing his biceps for her for a second before giggling lightly and going to answer her question about the lips rings. His tail continued to wag happily. Well, I got them from Halifax, the actual bars and rings, but my friend Hanna was the one whom helped me put them in. I also gots the ones on my ears, and then the one on my tongue he spoke pointing at the bars that were at the top of his audits, and then he stuck out his tongue and pointed at the one placed there. See? his word was muffled slightly because he had his tongue still out before he smiled and stuck it back in his maw.

It's uh...looking at human books and understanding what all the little lines and dots on them mean. The books are printed with information on them, in a kind of a code, but if you take time and learn it you can crack it pretty easily. The thingies that are on everything are stamps. Stamps that tell the humans what the thing is, because some humans were really stupid and couldn't read. It's why they have pictures too. she spoke, explaining about the books. He figured a book was what he had seen that one day in the classroom in Halifax. He knew exactly what she was talking about, but he still wasn't getting anywhere as far as him being able to decipher the text left behind by the bubbling idiots, whom let Jesus take all their hair to grow a beard. What kind of dumbasses let someone of their own kind come around and take their hair?! Daisuke couldn't understand who was stupid enough to let their fur be taken like that. He shrugged and then took another swig. They sound like they were stupid. I mean, to let someone take their fur! Uh-nuh. he spoke, shaking his head from left to right as he looked down in shame. Humans. He was glad he didn't have to deal with them. They sounded like stupid idiots who caused trouble.

He couldn't help but smile though. He was having a good time. You said you read some books, yeah? You can't read what these say? Or you can? he asked, his words slurring slightly as he spoke. He was buzzing, and he didn't really even notice it. Not yet at least. He had noticed that the imaging was slightly sharper, the colors and stuff. But he probably wouldn't feel completely drunk until he stood up...

The Name's Daisuke Ghanjai/Urahazu. You are? Only a genius works in coexistence with their mind and now I dance away, singing a tune that only I can hear.


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