In your eyes, forsaken me

WC:523 // Yesss, guilty as charged! Although it's also in the Bible. But I was quoting SOAD. Big Grin

lost into the weight of gravity

He nodded, affirming that he wasn't offended by her choice. She tilted her head in silent puzzlement; hadn't Haku always been Dahlia's big bad wolf, scaring off loners and those who deserted? She thought for certain that she had heard rumors about him in particular being less-than-welcoming, even to the point of attacking with tooth and fang. Those... could just be rumors, though. Or perhaps outdated tales, no longer applicable to the gentler side of her father. Yes, she liked that. His cruel deeds in the past could be forgiven, if his dark side had finally shriveled up and died, for that would make him a new man. He might let her visit Conor and Emwe, then, and arrange meeting with Cercelee if she found more time... He had never been very warm to her, that she could recall, but there was always time to forge a new relationship between them. They could have a future...

Her wild fantasies spun her away from the present, weaving blinders to the clear and present danger before her. She was greedy, to hope for things to go well for her. And a fool, to still have faith in a man that tried to kill her more than once. They were quiet for a time, rustling softly through the carpet of autumn leaves. Colibri was more relaxed now, still light on her feet, but not as jumpy or cautious. Haku spoke again, turning slowly to face her. Her heart fluttered at the sight of his piercing blue eyes, so similar to her own, but without the aggressive gleam she remembered so vividly. He was... calm. She swallowed, half-smiling as she tried to articulate the exact reason she was leaving. Was it just that she had never found her place? Was it her own inability to adjust? Or was it simply that she had found a warmer bed to lay in?

"I... I think I would have to say thank -- aaiiiieeee!"

Her voice split into a panicked shriek as out of nowhere, Haku lunged for her jugular. Adrenalin shot through her, reflexes snapping her arms up to shield her face and throat as she stumbled backwards. What, what happened? Why had he snapped? What mistake had she made this time, what trigger word had invoked his bestiality? It took her several confused moments before she finally realized that he had been planning this all along. What a colossal trusting fool she was, to know of his wiles and be trapped by them once again. The heavy wolf crashed into her, slamming her into the ground in a flurry of dead leaves. Her slim arms took the brunt of his fangs, but she did not feel the bruises or the lacerations in her heightened state of reality. She rolled away from him as quickly as she could manage, long werewolf legs scrabbling against the forest floor in an attempt to stand and run. Was she still screaming? She couldn't even hear herself if she was, her heartbeat deafening to her ears. Escape. Do anything to escape. It's not safe to touch him. Just get away from the monster.


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