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        Conor was surprised to feel jealousy course mildly through his system now as he walked with the older man. Onus was strong and courageous. The man had done nothing to prove he inhabited these skills, but there was no doubt in the youth’s heart that Onus was those two things and more. Conor admired strength, especially because he wanted to be just that. He thought about Cwmfen and her teachings. Now, the two males did not know each other, but Conor already wondered if it could be possible to convince the coyote to teach him a trick or two. The trick with the scent was interesting and smart.

Golden ears flattened fully when the man’s last words reached him. There was absolutely no reason for Conor to do that. ”He wants to kill many people.” The boy had never really seen his father in action and wondered who would be the victorious if Onus and Haku collided. He fully sided with Onus, this he already knew. There was no more distance between the two optimes and Cwmfen den now. "Here we are, I'll be going now." Conor knew he would be intruding if he stayed, so he turned slightly, ready to leave. ”I hate him,” he suddenly added darkly before he started to walk away, determined to run into Onus again soon.


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