A Fathers Touch

this post is so weird! kansas sounds like a creeper. xD 300 +

Strange, that it was now that Kansas realized he really did want more children, sometime in the future. He and Savina had teased one another about it, but they'd never really talked about it, not seriously. He felt weird for wanting more puppies. Gotham, Amata, and Cambria were still children themselves. Surely it was just the sight of Jazz and his son and daughter that made him itch for more little ones of his own. He just loved how each always had a different personality, each unique physically and emotionally. Being the strange boy he was, he also found it interesting. As if children were a science he had just discovered to be in existence.

Kansas did feel rather more out-of-place without his characteristic tight-fitting pants, not that it really irked him to have nothing but his fur to cover him. His pale coat was long enough to keep his presence appropriate, so he wasn't too worried. He grinned awkwardly at Jazper, eying the puppies cautiously, as if should he take one it would break in his hands. But he took the boy handed to him, grinning widely as he held the fuzzy bundle on his arms. "Hey, Aro. Don't worry; your dad's still here," he said softly. Kansas smiled, this time at Jazper. It felt good to hear the words he spoke; We're all kinda family now. And it was true. And it suddenly didn't matter to Kansas than the large, dark man had never been able to accept him until now. Because they were linked, and they could built their relationship through the things that were important to both of them, and always had been. And one of those things was family. "Guess we are, then," he murmured, tickling the top of the small puppy's head with a long pale finger. "How're you doing? You and Ghita."


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