Who wears the eyepatch around here?
http://i950.photobucket.com/albums/ad34 ... bott0m.png); background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-bottom:240px; background-position:bottom center; background-color:#252237">

"Huh. Well, if you wanna meet 'em, my group and I won't be here for too much longer; you're free to come with us when we go over there to catch a ride back to the mainland." It would be interesting, he guessed, to play a role in reuniting long divided comrades. He didn't have the slightest inkling of Rurik's past dealings in this area, nor in the relationship he'd had with his crew and the splitting up which had resulted in the pirate captain's love leaving and his traveling alone. It was unlikely that Jantus would ever know of these things. He did not collect histories, nor was his curiosity sufficient for him to turn over the proverbial rocks of life and discover all the secrets beneath.

He nodded to Rurik's explanation of his sword's origins. That made more sense, he supposed: it wasn't like he would let his weapon go to waste once he got too old to use it, or for some other reason no longer needed it. Then again, perhaps because it wasn't a sword, there was no particular relevance to the weapon he did use: it was only an object, and there was no special legacy to it. He supposed that could change if he ever claimed any serious opponents with it. Nonetheless, adding significance to certain opponents and certain artifacts of war was something that a true culture of war might indulge in. It was the kind of thing you heard about in stories, or that Skoll might have appreciated. To Jantus, most of it was interesting, the lore and the awe and all associated with that kind of mystical thinking, but when he got right down to it, it didn't make a lot of sense to attribute super-real properties to things like people and weapons.

"More interesting than anything I can tell about, I guess. This club's nameless, and I just pulled it out of a human machine." He tapped the top of the half-axle. It would have made an extremely poor weapon for most people, but since it had been a small car and he was an enormous werewolf, he had been able to handle it well enough. "So, Rurik. What are you up to, today? I've just been exploring, so I don't really have anywhere to be other than within earshot of Phoenix Valley."


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