So, this is Phoenix Valley
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Jantus tilted his head slightly and furrowed his brow. He'd never heard of amnesia lasting indefinitely. He'd heard of people who were never the same...getting hit in the head often enough would allegedly do that, or getting in the head extremely hard might cause the person to become stupid. He'd never known it was possible, though, to just start over. To just be restarted and not know anything about who you had been. He looked up and scratched his chin.

"I dunno. It sounds to me like after so much time, it'd be a hindrance to go back. Two years is enough time to have rebuilt a life, as it seems you've done. Can't say it'd do much good now that ye've put somethin' together." He hadn't thought about it all that thoroughly, but being only four years old himself, two years sounded like plenty of time to get set up again. It was half of his life, and he'd made a 'new start' himself, though he'd had his younger sisters with him the entire way, a family. Being trapped in a new identity with no connections--assuming Jefferson had been traveling or for some other reason isolated when he'd been mangled so--would, he had to admit, be considerably harder.

"By the looks of it, might be you forgot something worth forgetting, eh? It's a shame about Iskata, was it the clan or some accident? Skoll said they basically had run of this place: people didn't do anything about their killin'. Honestly, though, that opinion could be outdated...Skoll ent been alive for a long while." He tried to keep things civil. In all honesty, some of the things the bronze-gold wolf had told him about this place had disgusted him. When the Pine had external enemies, it fought them, even if victory wasn't assured. When someone abused power from within, he and his family had risen to fight those people, even though it had claimed some of them. He supposed those who didn't had not needed to live through the upheaval he and his siblings had. Nonetheless, even if he wasn't as idealistic a wolf as his deceased friend, it sat in his craw to see people getting killed or pushed around who couldn't or wouldn't defend themselves.

"Heard about the fire, dunno if Shadowed Sun was around before or after, but it was where Skoll was livin' when he got killed. Shame, that...I don't know any other names to connect with him. It'll be especially bad for the kids. I was hoping they'd get to hear about their dad from some of the people 'round here. Much different stories than the type we had up in the Pine, where he was sorta a war hero." 'Sorta' was an understatement, but he didn't suppose the concept would be immediately familiar to anyone who hadn't participated in a mass conflict at some point during their lives. By his look, Jefferson certainly could have been, but even if he had, that probably occurred in his life before he lost his eye.


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