And when the troubles arise, we hold on tight


If there was one thing that could make her happy even in these trying times it was her children. Gotham's exuberance at her approach and arrival made her heart skip a beat and a small laugh bubbled up in her throat as she greeted her son. He looked back at Ghita and then whispered to her and she bent her ear down to make sure she caught all his words clearly. Savina's smile grew though as her son's hurried questions came to her and she placed a comforting hand on his back to help qualm his fears. "No, no dear, it's not a bad thing. In fact it's a very good thing!" she whispered to him as he had her. "It did happen to me, that's how I looked before you and your sisters were born. Auntie Ghita is going to have puppies soon! Won't that be nice? You'll have some new cousins and playmates!" If all goes as it should. Worried as she was, she didn't let it creep into her expression or her voice. Gotham didn't need to know the risks that could come with pregnancy, right now all he needed to know that this was a good thing and not a bad one. She knew that her boy would be excited of the prospect of more pups to play with.

As her sister responded to her question Savina simply smiled and nodded her head. She detected that concerned undercurrent but didn't let on to anyone else the fears that the siblings shared about how the pregnancy could go. "It will all be fine," she said, trying to reassure herself as much as Ghita. They did need to try and think positive. So far everything had gone well and Ghita wasn't showing any signs of complications. It did concern the Commander somewhat that Crimson Dreams no longer had a wolf skilled in the healing arts around, but Savina had gone through childbirth and now was much more knowledgeable than she had been. She would be there for her sister and do everything in her power to make sure that it would be a day to be celebrated and not mourned.


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