people just liked it better that way
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    Gabriel had never encountered anyone quite like his brother. Or, at least, like the way his brother was now acting. It puzzled him that the Prince of Deceit should act so…mindless, and a small part of him wondered if this was part of his act. Those three children, demons all of them, had become very different people. Ahemait had been his favorite, and always would be. He missed her more then any other (except Corona). With Razekiel, he could remember very little—the most prominent memory made the ruined muscle in his left shoulder ache.

    It was as if Razekiel spoke in riddles, though this was no doubt in part to the drug. “Since she left,” he answered, finding it so simple to overlook that puzzling speech. “It’s good to see you again. Your brother just came home too.” Not that Gabriel was happy about that.


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