Somewhere we live inside
:3 sure! and LOL. I R lazy.

She had never thought that any place would feel like a home the way that this place did, not after leaving her old pack. It was amazing that she could smile and continue on with life. These children were the one thing that had saved her, Ehno too. He was a part of their being here, their father. Even though he was going home to Crimson Dreams without her and them, she still had him with her in a way. Through the pups. There were certain times when Lucia would look at her and she would see him in the pup's bright grin and shining eyes.

The three girls broke out in laughter as Ehno jumped at them, Rio and Lucia taking a few steps back. Caprica braved the encounter, standing with her shoulders squared. Naniko was a bit surprised to hear a playful growl coming from the plump puppy. Maybe she had misjudged the girl! She had some real spirit. As Ehno came forward, though, the little black pup backed up, pushing Rio forward instead. Haha!

The game that the large male suggested sounded both fun and educational. She looked to Harlowe, to encourage him to join, but the pup seemed interested in something else. A piece of dandelion fluff was floating in the air next to him and he snapped at it, trying to catch it. He always came up with his own little games when he was bored, instead of playing with the others. She shrugged and nodded to the other three.

"Doesn't that sound fun?" She asked in Itallian. It could help teach the little ones teamwork and also how to work together. The girls jumped up, Rio letting out a few loud barks of excitement. This game was definitely a go! Caprica, unsure of what to do next, looked back at Naniko. The white wolf motioned for the pups to go toward Ehno, then got up. She called an instruction as she went, heading into the bushes. "In here, girls! You have to hide really well so that the prey won't see you"


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