With my teeth locked down I can see the blood

we can end here, or with one more from you..? Big Grin

Now. He thought. She would not be expecting it, just as he had been so un-expectant. There would be moonlight, the simple glow against her silver fur, there would be the silence of the calm eve and only the song of the dancing bells swaying in the wind. Bells he had given her, because he feared she would be lost and never return to him. Their music would call her home, bring her to him and she would never be without anything that she needed. She needed this too, for he remembered the unease the unhappiness that had radiated from her when he had not responded to her confession. He needed her to know. And he wanted to be beside her now.

At Haven’s comment Heath looked up at him, and there were no words he could give to contradict Haven's suggestion. But, no. Heath thought as he stared at the sober male, he couldn’t wait. There would be no better time then now to confess his love for the blind girl. With the moonlight, with the silence and the cling of the bells. He would be a Romeo and she would be his Juliet. Heath rose, as if he was about to defy all the things Haven was talking about. His legs were stiff, painful and as he rose he felt the drunkenness overcome him once more. He was fucking tanked.

Heath nodded his head, maybe Haven was making sense after all. If she saw him like this no words, how ever four lettered and perfect it would be, could save him from the humiliation.
“Okay.”. He agreed. The upright hybrid looked at the orange male with a sway, it seemed as if there were two Haven’s.
“But I do love her. She’s everything. She’s fucking perfect.” He said as he lazily pointed a figure at the other male. Heath took a deep breath, and found that he felt steady on his feet. Slowly he began to walk beside the white accented Haven. He was sorry for hitting him, and wasn’t sure how that even had happened. A light furred arm outstretched to clasp the shoulder of the Knight. Gold eyes felt glazed, and Heath turned his head to speak once more.
“I love you man.”



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