It's the bough we break to blow away

Yet another piece subjected to the beating of weather and time. It almost turned to dust in her hand, crumbling against her touch. Her paws were large, just as large as any male’s, but they were kind hands and slow and light in their touch. Still the wood was too weak to live, and so she discarded it without another thought. The next, ragged and looking like a piece of old red siding. Mati placed it into the keep pile, decided on its color alone. A voice came to her ears, accented and deep in tone. The girl had not expected any company. And as she turned to affirm her guess of whom it was she was indeed met with the sight of Savina’s brother. Mati was surprised to see him, unsure if he had deserted them or not. It was a harsh, and an incorrect thought. Mati scolded herself, what was she? An ignorant pup? If he had decided to leave for good it would have been with a sincere intention. But whether or not if he was going to leave was not the only stigma surrounding the male. It was why he would have needed to.

“That would be great.” She spoke, a false smile coming to her face. She was unsure why she accepted his offer, for Mati could not decide if she was angry for him sleeping with her mother or for giving yet another reason not to come home, or for truly killing any hope that her two mothers would somehow reconcile. Maybe she would finally come to terms with all those notions. Strong arms picked up the next piece of wood, and slow and calmly placed it in the good pile. She felt the urge to throw it, to take the pent energy and anger and expel it. But it was her choice to show the confusion and the other revolting feelings, and she chose to hide them now.

“I think I’m going to paint on them.” Mati explained, hoping to not show any of the turmoil as she had with Princess. The girl had been able to pick up on the anger she felt and within a few seconds had asked out right why Mati hated her. She didn’t hate Ehno, and hoped he wouldn’t ask her such a things. “You don’t need them, right?” Mati assumed he wasn’t doing any carpentry lately, but it wasn’t always right to just assume things.



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