dollar signs on every sin.
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@$%&Anselm swayed back and forth on his feet, never staying in any one position or letting his muscles lock up for very long. As the wolf took a rounded swing at him, he leapt back and grabbed at the lid of a refuse bin, which he brought up and used to deflect the subsequent back-swing as the wolf advanced further. Here he dropped the lid abruptly, reaching out and grabbing onto the beam. Both males were competing for the object and neither seemed to be making much headway. And then... tink, tink, thunk! The disemboweled wolf was throwing rocks and pebbles at his face!

@$%&The unexpected distraction bought his aggressor the time he needed, and he now shoved the block of wood forward violently into Anselm's chest. The male couldn't help but cough as he staggered backward and fell to the ground, releasing his grip on the plank. The wolf moved to bring it down again, and all he could do was raise his impromptu shield once more, though this time his hands weren't positioned as well and the blow caught his knuckles. He let out a yowl of pain as a broken bottle (courtesy the gut-less wolf to his left) narrowly whizzed past his arm. He wouldn't notice until later the gash left in his flesh--at the moment there was no time to think.

@$%&Anselm reached out with his good hand and grabbed the nearest opponent's wrist again and wretched him heavily to the ground. His other arm rose as he crouched, elbow pointed up, and only now did he notice the stream of crimson running down to his fingertips. His elbow collided with the male's chin and the other wolf reeled backward, clawed hands swinging wildly as he attempted to grab on to anything at all. Anselm had already rose, though, and he moved forward now, toppling the wolf onto his back as he pinned his arms with his knees. No more fucking around--here he snaked his hands under the wolf's snapping jaws as if to strangle him, but instead tore his throat in twain.

@$%&More pebbles continued to assault his body with little consequence, and with the tall wolf out of the picture he was free to reel on the other wolf with the wood, bashing his head repeatedly until he was certain that the bastard would be flinging rocks no more. His breath came wild and ragged; his knuckles bled and ached. As the adrenaline died down the painful throb became more apparent, and his hand instinctively sought out the wound on his arm to apply pressure and hopefully quell the flow of blood.

@$%&Backing away, eyes wide, he regarded the action at the other end of the alley with confusion--the big one seemed to be a secondary target of the gang, and Anselm couldn't understand why or how all of these things were happening at once. Conflicting needs arose within him--he wanted to get the hell out before he sustained any serious damage, but he wanted to make sure that this whole chapter was started and finished on the same day. This was hardly something he was keen on dealing with in the future. To leave now could put his entire summer's worth of work at stake.

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