Somewhere we live inside
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lol, lazy is fine. Mine be short, though. o:

He marched his way down a familiar path away from the cabin, a light bounce in his step and a smile on his face. His amber eyes scanned the horizon absentmindedly as he walked and tried to look as unassuming as he could manage. Each time he looked around the lands near Naniko’s cabin, he was surprised to find how much more familiar they always seemed. The Dreamer male recognized easily the spattering of bushes around the grassy lands and the small cluster of trees off in the distance, separated by a short distance from the farther woods. Ehno realized how much more this place was beginning to feel like home, the thought both exciting and frightful to him. He was happy to be so comfortable in the pack his children called home, but he was also frightened at how this seemed to solidify his decision regarding his family: two packs, two homes.

A rustling of some nearby bushes brought his attention back to the little game the family was involved in. He paused mid-step, glancing around in mock-weariness at the sound. The male was determined to play the part of the little hunting group’s prey as best as he could. It was rather fun, actually. Soon after he paused the rustling stopped, the children in the bushes doing their best to not be spotted by papa. Ehno relaxed and continued his leisurely stroll. A few giggles came from the trio of girls as he moved on. They had fooled him! They could sneak up on papa for sure! The Marino man could only grin as he continued forward.

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