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Jasper observed the other male as he drank, noting the fact that the reaction was far from the one that he had. How did he do it though? It had the young male puzzled, wondering. Even more than that, though, was the fact that the darker male seemed to enjoy it. The taste wasn't really bad or anything, it was the burn in his throat and stomach as it went down that got him. His ears drooped suddenly, just another thing that Jasper wasn't a good at, something else that he might never have in common with his father. The other male spoke then and, though Jasper didn't twist his ears about in interest, he still heard and gave a nod of his head.

Corn was something that he was familiar with, though how it had anything to do with a drink, he wasn't sure. "A game?" He asked then, somewhat nervous at the thought of it. Jasper had never really played many games before, nor had any of them been with strangers, so the thought was foreign to him. After a moment of silence he answered, a slight hesitation in his voice. "Sure." It was the least he could do, really, since the other male was helping him, after all.


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