I'm a Punk, I'm a Sinner, I'm a Freak.
Wheee~! Big Grin

Oh, this was rich. The stranger was making him out to be the idiot. “A horse?” he echoed with a laugh. “Nah, in fact I haven’t seen one of ‘em before.” Dante’s sneer turned into something less twisted and more mocking. “An' I ain’t in such a damn hurry that I need some animal ta cart me around the streets.” The hybrid loner certainly didn’t care that some pack around here bred the things, as much as the notion went against the stereotype of pack wolves he had in mind. The majority of those who chose to live in packs out in the wilderness tended to act like a bunch of mongrels, judging from his past encounters. Dante didn’t want to have a thing to do with them unless he was trying to piss them off for a little fun. It was amusing how defensive those beasts were about their unnecessarily simplistic lives.

“Yer services?” he asked once the tawny man had finished his spiel, snorting slightly. The doggish male was a bit curious about what the stranger exactly could have meant by that, but the not-so-subtle suggestion to go off himself diverted some of that curiosity into annoyance and anger. Dante's lips twitched upwards, a snarl threatening to be released. It sure as hell seemed like this guy wasn’t afraid of speaking his mind, that was for sure. “Got quite the fuckin’ mouth on ya, dontcha?” He couldn’t prevent the sick smile that crawled onto his features after his comment. Andante was amused by this more than anything; it wasn’t often that somebody had the gall to say shit like that to his face.

The strange rider threw his question right back at him after clearing his throat pretty loudly. Dante just stared at him for a moment before tilting his head to the side slightly and responding with just as much attitude. “I’m a goddamn scavenger a the city, just like all the rest a the pathetic souls around here. Yerself included,” he added, looking pointedly between the bottle of whiskey the male possessed and the bag of who knows what that he carried. The hybrid boy hated likening himself to the worthless masses, but he had to admit this one commonality between them.

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