Fear belongs to other people; weaker people.
Set at about..8 PM?

She wasn't too concerned with passing into the Jaded Shadows Pack's territory. She had a couple of friends here, with Lucifer and everybody...she didn't think that she would get into trouble. Naniko was a fairly respectful wolf when it came to pack boundaries, usually, but this place felt almost like home to her. She'd come in and out of it so many times that it just felt natural for her to pass the border by. The scents smelled familiar.

She could remember the time when her leg had been broken, how Lucifer had helped her...so she had brought him something in return. Well, it wasn't exactly for him...but for Jaded Shadows itself. She wasn't sure if he was interested in medicine, but thought that the pack could use some of the new medicines that she had mixed together. Included in the pack was herbs to relieve stomach cramps, headaches, sore muscles, colds, and stiffness...all the usual ailments that came around winter time.

She approached, but kept her distance from his den until he came out to greet her. The girl bounced up and down on her feet, sincerely excited to see him--and not afraid to show it. When she'd calmed down enough to speak, her alto tone came out in a teasing manner. "Why, Mr. Lucifer--I thought we were past the "boundaries" stage in our relationship. Why let borderlines keep us apart?"

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