Whether mice and men have second tries
http://digital-bonsai.com/katew/rp/kae/kae_rain.gif); background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:bottom center; border:1px solid #FFFFFF; text-align:justify;">    The silvery hybrid looked from one puppy to the other, excitement and love for small children building in her chest. She remained low to the ground, her tail wagging back and forth as she peered into one curious face after the other. The one who came forward first put his small paw over her nose, and she inhaled sharply, enjoying the fresh and clean puppy-scent emanating from him. Their eyes were still blue, but they were beginning to change color, shifting into a strange shade the hybrid woman thought was rather pretty. Each of the children seemed quite merry and none shrank back from her.

    Naniko spoke and Kaena listened to the introductions, her scarred muzzle feeling rather strange expressing happiness as she smiled. It was something she hadn't experienced in some time, but with these darling little children, how could she not? A pang of jealousy rose in her chest for Naniko; it was not fair that Kaena would not have more children. The ashen-furred hybrid could certainly still enjoy others', though, and she lay all the way down in the earth, her belly against the ground and her head on her paws, grinning broadly at the pale-furred mother wolf.

    "They're lovely," the hybrid breathed up at Naniko, her single golden eye slightly glazed, a smothering adoration for children endearing her immediately to these young ones. "It's good to meet you all," she spoke to them, her voice growing slightly higher as she greeted the puppies. The grizzled woman wanted more of her own, but she doubted she'd have the time to do it anyway. Repeated pregnancy had taken its toll on her, after all, and she was not certain she wished to be burdened with young children for many months once more. After all, she had a duty to perform as Inferni's Centurion, and it did not help her case that half of the fathers she'd chosen were effectively deadbeats or dead before their children were born.


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