send me on my way

wheee, digging through old avs is fun. XD 306 words

Tokyo had decided to go and find Mommy in Jaded Shadows, but she realized after a bit that she didn't exactly know the right way. This was totally unfair. If she was going to put in the time and effort to walk all this way, she should have something to show for it! She wanted Mommy, and felt frustrated and a little like crying that she couldn't find her way to Jaded Shadows. She had been there before! Uncle Tsu was okaaay, but he wasn't Mommy, he wasn't pretty and awesome and so cool and beautiful and everything that Tokyo wanted to be when she grew up. She couldn't cry though, only babies cried like Ireland.

Some funny buzzing sound caught her attention, and Tokyo cautiously approached a weird round thingy hanging low in a tree. She didn't know what it was, but there were lots of little bug thingies flying around it. She didn't like bugs, but she did like treasures. It smelled very strongly, so of course there must be something awesome hiding inside this container. Just like the treasure chest she had found in the city with Uncle Tsu. She had a pretty pink bead necklace and bounced against her small fuzzy chest as she walked from that escapade. The prospect of being able to get some cool awesome item thrilled her enough to make her completely forget how upset she was at not finding Mommy. If she did find Mommy later, she would be so proud when she saw whatever cool thing Tokyo found!

Strange noises came from nearby, and her attention drifted once again. Tripping a little over too-large paws, she saw a puppy chasing leaves. An idea sprung to mind. Maybe she could get her prize with less effort. "Hay, you. Be my helper okay?" Her most adorable look was adopted.


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