unusual situations
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Whatever tension that had existed in the air before seemed to have dissipated. He followed Ataxia gaze out onto the sea and marveled at the beauty of it as she did. There was something otherworldly about the way the moon shone down on the endless water. The sun was also beautiful when it was reflected on the surface of the ocean, but it was a different beauty than the one his eyes were beholding now. To be honest, the scene before him reminded him of the woman beside him. They both had that pale, ethereal glow to them that made them intriguing. She almost seemed like she was made out of nights like this; a cool ocean breeze, the glow of the moon in the darkness.

When she spoke again he turned to her and was more than pleased to tell her about Cour des Miracles. So she had met Jac briefly and Firefly? The poor thing, their two boisterous personalities must have been a little intimidating to her. It made her decision to stay here even more amazing to him. Though at her slight apology he couldn't help but laugh. "Don't apologize! Jac is most certainly a ladies' man and he doesn't try to hide the fact either. No doubt he'll be coming after you at some point or another," Haven joked with a wink. "Well, if you've met Jac and Firefly then you've met our most...colorful members. I'm the Seneschal and the Knight, so I take care of making sure everyone's safe and handle any disputes if they come up, which they almost never do thankfully. So if you're ever having any problems with someone just let me know and I'll do what I can to help." He wanted to make sure that all the pack members knew that he was there for them. "Some of the other prominent members are Ruri Aceline, she's a singer and really close with Jac. She's a sweetheart, I think you'd like her. There's my friend Heath, who runs the stables. If you want a horse he's the one you should talk to."


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