Winter song
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Sorry for the wait, and for the length of this oO Word Count: 543

She smiled and nodded as he explained how the two were not his family. It strengthened her perception of him as a trustworthy individual, that he would not only take in a wounded mother and her child, but also actively attempt to feed and care for them, instead of simply passing them on to someone who were able. It also told her a lot about his paternal instincts, in a way. She didn't linger on these thoughts, but moved on, turning her attention fully to what he was saying. When he finished she smiled again, and gave a little laugh.

The male chuckled at the three small ones as they reacted to their names, then continued playing. That was their world, now. Playing, eating and sleeping, and not much else. Little did they know of sorrow or pain, and their world would continue like that as long as she could help it, for she had suffered far too much for one as young as herself. Barely a year older than the average age for a new mother, she still had seen and done a number of things she wished undone, and she had no family except her little baby brother. His shadow loomed over his own daughter, and sometimes the alabaster femme doubted his sincerity, his good, but the feeling disappeared when she met him.

He accepted her offer, and she smiled while answering his question. Her guitar was precious to her, part because it was her first ever instrument beside her voice, and part because she had built it herself. Not by crafting piece by piece, but by finding broken guitars of the same brand and piecing it together. It looked it; the handle was a different coloration than the body, and the self-created strings looked a little out of place, with end pieces hanging down from the tuners. She had found in a book that traditionally, humans had produced their guitar strings from animal parts, and so she had begun collecting these parts from her prey animals. "I have built mine myself, as you can probably see..." turning back, she fetched the guitar and turned it over in front of him, pointing to the places where one could see that it two pieces not originally made for each other had been joined. "... but I was lucky to find the pieces. I found them at an old human building in my packlands. I'm sure if you search or if someone allows you to enter their lands you could find one, or pieces of one. If you find pieces I could aid you in putting it together." Smiling gently, again, she grabbed the neck with her right hand and with her left hand plucked some strings, forming the simplest of all chords one could make on a guitar. The little children looked up as they heard the sound, but continued their play not long after. "Basically, you pull and release the strings, and depending on where on the strings you press with your hand up here, the tones are different. Here, have a try." Carefully, she handed him the guitar, eager to see if he had grasped the basic concept. Teaching the piano for Alexey was different than this, and she was curious.


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