Is there an answer?
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The male had to admit, he was so impressed with how well Ruri was handling all of this. It had to be stressful, having the man she loved and her closest friend at odds. He was in a somewhat similar situation with Princess and his sister, but at the moment he didn't love Princess. He thought he might though eventually, and even now having the two most important women in his life not getting along was hard on him. What was happening with Ruri was so much worse, and yet she was still able to stay positive. To be certain that it would all work out. In that way, he felt, she was so much stronger than he was. If he had been in her place he knew he wouldn't not have been handling it so respectably. "Yeah, it will. You're pretty amazing Ruri, handling this as well as you are," he said, the admiration clear in his voice.

He listened attentively as she did her best to explain how Jac was seeing all of this and how it was perhaps effecting him. It was hard to think of the boisterous king as being vulnerable in anyway at all, but it did seem to fit in this situation. Still, it was completely irrational for him to think that just because Ruri wanted to have a relationship that he would somehow get left behind and abandoned. It was clear that when it came to some things, their leader was a little out of touch with reality. "I don't think he's a bad man, I don't. I was just shocked that he acted that way over this. I know Jac only has the best intentions for us all at heart, it's just when it comes to more personal matters that he and I don't see eye-to-eye and we probably never will." Haven would never understand being able to use women like they were disposable objects. Still, if anyone knew Jac then it would be Ruri, and so he trusted her analysis of the situation.

"So, how are you, aside from all of this?" There had obviously been more going on with her since the last time they had talked. Hopefully the other stuff in her life wasn't quite so hectic and frustrating.


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