Step, step right over the line
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It was everywhere! What was this stuff?! The pup tried to dodge as much of it as she could but eventually a white flake landed on her nose and she yelped in surprise. It was cold! Like, really cold! Nothing was ever cold like that where she lived. Had she magically traveled to some strange world where it rained cold, nasty flakes? Even if it was cool she had found some magical invisible portal, she didn't like this world with its strange cold flakes and wanted to go home. Panic hit her then. What if it was a she could come here but couldn't leave type of deal? Oh no! Ears folded against her head and her tail tucked up against her belly. Oh no, no, no, no. This wasn't good. This was very bad. Very, very bad. The little girl whimpered, wishing she was just back at home with her family and not in this awful, scary, mixed up place.

As she stood there, frozen, trying to imagine how to get back home she thought she heard a voice. Sable ears lifted back up slightly and she looked around, trying to determine if another strange thing about this place was voices that came out of nowhere. Thankfully, it seemed this place wasn't as weird as that as she found another puppy. That's right! She had heard someone else and that's why she had come over here in the first place. "Hi...what dis places? Huh? What dis cold stuffs? I do not likes." Her words were heavily accented in Italian and she hoped that this puppy would understand her. This puppy did not speak like she did.


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