baby, you wouldn't last one minute on the creek
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omgomgomg! Big Grin

Savina had never experienced the cold, but one thing she did know is that she liked warm and sunny weather. Yup! She liked that very, very much. Even if the sun did make her a little too warm sometimes. It was okay, she thought of it as the sun just being happy to see her and giving her a hug! She had gotten up before her brother and sister had so mama had said that she could start out on her own as long as she was careful. Usually she didn't go out without Ehno, but the day had been so bright she couldn't help but run out to greet it. Her brother would surely come and find her once he was awake. He was better with his nose than she was and so he would have no problem track her down. Then maybe they could chase some rabbits or mice. That would be fun!

The sable pup pranced through the trees happily, stopping every so often to look at a flower or listen to a bird sing high in the branches of a tree. Sometimes she wished the birds would come down closer to the ground so that she could sing with them. One time she had tried, unsuccessfully, to climb up to meet the birds but her mama had told her that wolves weren't meant to climb just like birds weren't meant to walk around on the ground. Still, the girl wished they would make an exception, even just once, and come play with her. It didn't seem they would today either though, so she continued on her way, hoping to find someone or something to play with.

She noticed that the trees were starting to thin and then suddenly in front of her was this pretty meadow! The pup stopped, eyes wide at the beauty of the sight before her. "Wooooows!" she breathed out. It was the most prettiest meadow she had ever sawed. After a moment of staring at it she noticed that this meadow wasn't only a meadow, but a meadow with another puppy in it! With a happy yip she bounded towards the light colored puppy, happy to have someone to play with finally. Though when she got closer she saw that he was sneezing. Not just like, a couple sneezes, but a bunch of sneezes. "'ous okaysies?" The heavily accented words were laced with concern.


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