the chronic chronicles.
[html]; background-position: bottom center; background-repeat:no-repeat; text-align:justify;"> Say this is early, before he runs into Trigger? :]

    The way Gabriel slept was typical of all wolves. After an hour or two of activity, he would sleep for ten to fifteen minutes, and then resume his work schedule. Hunting often took up much more time then this, and was not always successful—luckily, there was a cache of meat stored from other successes, and they could be harvested if necessary. He had been lucky the previous night, and managed to take down a small deer. It wasn’t a lot, but the meat kept his belly full and the carcass had been deposited near the cache (kept in a small shed by the mansion).
    A scratch at the door woke him, and both ears fluttered forward. Almost instantly he was awake, greeted by his cousin’s voice. Sure enough, the vocabulary used stirred him to his feet, and Gabriel made his way to the entrance. The grin on Anselm’s face was what he noticed first; followed by the wound on his arm, and the prizes in his hands. To say the least, the look on Gabriel’s face was priceless.


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