like oil and water

It was true, she had not experienced the horrors that some of her family had. Yet even if she had, she doubted that she would have hated all wolves. Rikka could understand hating an individual, but not an entire species. There were just as many good wolves as there were good coyotes. There were also bad coyotes (some of her family could even be counted among their numbers). Hatred had never been the thing she had been unable to comprehend, it had been the fact that it was applied to an entire race instead of the few individuals that deserved it. Her own father was a wolf and she did not hate him. That was one thing she had loved about the commune that had been so different than things here. Wolves, coyotes, and dogs had all lived together in perfect harmony. There was no hatred, no discord. It was the exact opposite of Inferni, which only increased her hesitance.

The fey allowed her mother to touch her freely. She felt that one golden eye, the same as her two, look over her and take her in. Was that approval she saw there? Could it possibly be? Rikka had always been under the impression that she would never be something Kaena could be proud or approving of. The notion that she could have been wrong was startling, but in a welcome way. The surprises continued as her mother said that she was not only welcome to stay here, but that she wanted her to. "You would?" she blurted out before she could even think over it. This is not what she had expected, not in the least. As the Lykoi matron listed off the various family that lived here now her head reeled and she felt her heart want to soar, and yet there was still something that needed to be put on the table.

"There's something you need to know. I still don't hate and I will not fight for Inferni, or for anyone. I'm a pacifist, I don't believe in violence. Not unless it's for defense." Her words were not argumentative, but they were strong for they were not something that she would bend on. Would her mother be so welcoming knowing that? She didn't know, but it wasn't something she could left unsaid. Kaena needed to know where her daughter was coming from. Rikka wasn't about to become anyone's solider.


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