Walls for colder seasons
forgive me too? :__; <3

The success of their endeavour brought an unshakable grin to Hemming's face. He peered at the pole, now vertical, with pride, and grinned at Belle, who had performed her task so perfectly. As Dawali neared, he grinned at him too. The gray wolf held the rope to the ground as his Kalona secured it, the elation caused by the beauty and efficacy of their method not wearing thin. It hadn't taken that long, either, and surely with a few days of work they could get the thing done. Their accomplishment was inspiring.

"Beautiful!" Hemming exclaimed as he moved closer to the pole, clasping his hands together. The dirt they had pulled out of the ground was sitting in a distended pile around the hole, and the wolf was almost immediately kneeling and pushing the soil back towards the hole to fill in the little gaps and stabilize their contraption. He didn't know how much work Belle was still doing, or if there was any tension in the ropes at all, but he didn't want her holding it up all day! The Gatlvska shoved soil hurriedly; he was eager to start digging more holes and erecting more poles.

james made this

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